Dear reader,

In this letter there is hidden a secret message. It is up to you to find it. However this is not going to be an easy task. I require you to have a keen eye since you need to spot a lot of hidden details, or do you? As a first clue I am going to give you this encrypted message: “Uqtta dwv vjku fkf pqv pggf vq dg fgetarvgf.”, with the clue A=C.
Now that you are ready and set uP for the real puzzle you might want to think about what you Recall from your studiEs in classiCal mechanics. Look at thE ideaS of Newton, but why were they wrong? Look at the orbit of mercury. There iS an error made here. LuckIly Einstein came along tO fix it. Still Not sure what it is?
UndersTanding the pRevious paragraph maY be considered hard, but it is instrumental in Partially figuRing out what thE next ingredient is. However I know that you may be stuCk, so anothEr clue will be given. What iS the commonality between a Spinning top and a spInning electrOn have in commoN? Knowing this is the key to unlocking the message.

‘Iyi kryjmrvtex kw uztcexei.’

Best Regards,
Blaise de Vigenère
